Effingham County
Submit Query

Below is the query form for submitting a query relating to Effingham County genealogy.  Only queries with an Effingham County connection will be accepted.  As an alternative, you may e-mail me your Effingham County query with "Effingham County Query" in the subject line.  When typing your query, make sure that you capitalize all surnames.

When you compose your query, use the 5 "W" rule (who, what, when, where and why).  Be specific when requesting information. The "send me everything you know" query is not acceptable. Keep your query short, make it concise, and to the point.    Please take extra care in making sure your return e-mail address is correct, otherwise I will have no way of contacting you.

Your query MUST have a connection to Effingham County, Illinois.  You must state that connection in your query.  If you do not, your query may not be posted if I cannot reach you.......


Your Name:
  (Please enter your full name)
E-Mail Address:
  **Very Important** - you MUST provide your CORRECT e-mail address if you want your query posted.



Your query will NOT immediately appear on the query page.  Updates are as the volunteer's time permits.

If you get a "Server Error" when submitting your query, then you have probably not entered a valid e-mail address.  If so, then please resubmit your query with a valid e-mail address.



Linda (Kralman) Lambert (ktlkate220@gmail.com)
Copyright © 1997-.  All rights reserved.
Last updated on